This September, #YOUMATTER was not just a professional project of mine. It wasn’t something that only occupied my mind, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 5. This September, #YOUMATTER, became […]
October 10 2021Mental Health
To all who have joined us to share the YOU MATTER message this month, thank you. No matter how you shared it — on social media, by wearing the shirt, […]
September 30 2021They say rising tides raise all ships. That’s how we feel when our partners join in to help further our mission of restoring the lives of veterans and military families. […]
September 28 2021We are grateful to our team of Board Members who serve as our biggest advisers and cheerleaders to continue the purpose-driven work we do each day. Their passion for our […]
September 27 2021Matters of mental health carry negative connotations and stigma. These views are fueled by lack of public awareness, knowledge and understanding of the realities of mental health issues combined with […]
September 18 2021I received the below via text recently from a veteran about her spouse who also serves. “Shelly, this is so hard to write. Our household has been…less than our best […]
September 16 2021Since 2001, more than 7,000 military members have died while serving. Since 2001, more than 30,000 active duty personnel and veterans have died by suicide. Let that sink in. More […]
September 01 2021Getting veterans the care they need and deserve in a timely, compassionate, and individualized manner saves lives because suicide should not seem like the only option. That is exactly what […]
January 08 2021Earlier this week, high ranking military officials and the Associated Press released statistics showing the already high military suicide rate has increased again — at least by 20% — amidst […]
October 04 2020For some, numbers have important meaning; recently, we’ve all been watching the COVID infection rates, the polling percentages and more. One number that continues to circulate in the veteran and […]
September 04 2020This year has been challenging — there’s no doubt; for Boot Campaign specifically, all of our in-person events for 2020 have been cancelled; fundraising is harder than ever and those […]
September 03 2020Twenty years in law enforcement, 13 years in the United States Army, two published books, and actively serving as a mentor to veterans and military spouses, Dr. Jason Piccolo is […]
July 23 2020Nitro Circus is what happens when a group of extremely talented and fearless friends decide to make their hobby into their profession. The Nitro Circus crew represents a cross section […]
June 17 2020Through one-on-one intervention, Boot Campaign is addressing the needs of veterans and veteran caregivers who are struggling with what sometimes may feel like overwhelming anxiety, cognitive challenges like difficulty with […]
May 28 2020Our world has been rocked by the spread of COVID-19. The ripple effects can be felt across the nation and around the globe and Boot Campaign is no exception. As […]
March 30 2020Optional Block
Include this block if there is a subpage out of the main blog ie to a press kit.
Sharing Veteran Stories: Bobby Klepper
Sharing Veteran Stories: Steve Lucas
Q&A with Ed McGuire on Volunteering for our Seasons of Service Program
Sharing Veteran Stories: David Iverson
Sharing Veteran Stories: Jeff Ulfig
Sharing Veteran Stories: Michael Ousley