Frequently asked questions

Yes! Check it out!

Our financials are available here.

Yes! Boot Campaign chooses to be independently audited each year in order to remain as financially transparent as possible.

Donations made to Boot Campaign fund our efforts to improve the lives of military families nationwide. Our two signature programs focus on bettering the health and wellness of those who served in the military and our Seasons of Service Program provides military families facing financial or medical hardship with specially-curated gifts and services. In 2023, 92% of every dollar raised funded our mission-driven programs.

Combat boots are standard in the armed forces community; they’re a recognized marker of military service around the world. By lacing up a pair of boots, you’re showing your gratitude and support of the military and Veteran community.

We would love nothing more than to attend every event that comes our way and are honored by all the amazing invitations. We are a small and mighty team and will do our best with the limited resources we have. We are here and available to help you navigate hosting your own event, walk you through the steps and provide some marketing pieces for you. To help you get started, let us know what you have in mind by completing a fundraiser form.

Check out our event calendar on our website and subscribe to our newsletter!

We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out our Contact Us form.