Our YOU MATTER Message Won’t Stop Now

To all who have joined us to share the YOU MATTER message this month, thank you. No matter how you shared it — on social media, by wearing the shirt, using the gear or simply saying it to someone you know — our collective efforts are making strides to combat the stigmas that exist around seeking care for one’s mental health.
Here’s a look at what some of the veterans enrolled in our program, retail customers and social followers shared about YOU MATTER recently:
“Every interaction I have with the Boot Campaign team is a reminder that my family and I REALLY do matter to them, it’s not just talk.”
“We love the YOU MATTER coloring pages. We made it a great experience with our kids to discuss our nation’s veterans and the importance of destigmatizing mental health.”
“Amidst everything going on, my Boot Campaign family reached out to make sure I was okay. I received the #YouMatter shirt in the mail today. The sentiment is beyond words. I love you all and will continue to do whatever I can for my Brothers and Sisters via Boot Campaign so long as I am able.”
“Your timing is absolutely incredible. I have good and bad days but thankfully more good than bad. I received a package that just made my day. Thanks for reminding me that I do matter.”
“After 39 years of active and civil service, it’s really eye opening when the only people calling to check on me during troubling times are the folks at Boot Campaign. It speaks volumes.”
Mental health is as vital and important as physical health, and as we’ve continued to experience an increase in applications for our Health & Wellness program, that message is clearly being heard. In fact, the incredible response to our YOU MATTER initiative this year will make a direct impact by providing individualized care and holistic treatment to a new wave of program participants.
Our work at Boot Campaign and as Americans continues, as suicide remains a rampant problem in our society and especially within the military community. Sadly even this week, there are reports surfacing of multiple active duty soldiers who took their life at a base in upstate New York. We will continue to stand firmly grounded in our support for the brothers and sisters in arms who selflessly fought on our behalf and feel that it is our duty to care for them when they return. We won’t stop now with our message of YOU MATTER. Not now. Not ever.