The Jordan Spieth Family Foundation Laces Up

Native Texan, NCAA champion and 3-time major champion, Jordan Spieth, and his wife, Annie, are the latest to lace up combat boots with Boot Campaign, and they are doing it in a big way! The Jordan Spieth Family Foundation is underwriting Boot Campaign’s 2019 Santa Boots program, and we couldn’t be more grateful to serve military families across the country with them by our side. We caught up with them in Dallas to see why standing with the military community is a key initiative of the foundation and to the Spieth’s personally.
Tell us why supporting the military is important to you?
Our military members selflessly serve for us to live free. It is an honor to be able to help them in any way possible.
What does it mean to you to #livelacedup and lace up a pair of combat boots?
Lacing up these boots is a way for us to outwardly show our military that we are so thankful for them. We believe living laced up simply means we constantly remind ourselves that so many of our freedoms come because of the sacrifices of so many others. Living laced up means living with gratitude!
What does patriotism mean to you?
Patriotism means having pride in our home and showing support to those that protect it.
Why do you believe in the mission of Boot Campaign?
Boot Campaign’s Santa Boots program called to us immediately! The power of having family together and enjoying the holiday to its fullest extent is something we always look forward to. Being able to provide a bit of support to alleviate any kind of stress during the holidays was a very personal way we could support our military families and show our appreciation.
Who else would you like to see in Boot Campaign boots?
George Strait!
Join our #LaceUpAMERICA movement in honor and celebration of Veterans Day and make a donation of $11.11 today —>