In 1962, 12 years after the first Armed Forces Day was celebrated, former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara expressed, “Our servicemen and women are serving throughout the world as guardians of peace – many of them away from their homes, their friends and their families. They are visible evidence of our determination to meet any threat to the peace with measured strength and high resolve. They are also evidence of a harsh but inescapable truth – that the survival of freedom requires great cost and commitment, and great personal sacrifice.”
May 17, 2014 marked the 64th celebration of Armed Forces Day and the 6th annual Barona Race Day Salute to the Military. This year’s event benefitted the Boot Campaign, and we couldn’t be more grateful! The day of drag racing, kids activities and local food was entirely free for residents of Lincoln Military Housing in San Diego, affording them an opportunity to enjoy simple, quality family time without the pressures of military life.
Armed Forces Day is meant to be a national “thank you” to our military members for their patriotic service to our country, and at 1:30 that afternoon, the festivities paused for a ceremony honoring servicemen and women and their families, acknowledging the support and sacrifice necessary to keep our nation safe. Demonstrations by the Marine Corps recruit depot color guard and the Patriot Guard Riders of Southern California reinforced that our nation’s military is woven into the diverse fabric of every community impacting each one of us regardless of age, occupation or political view.
The Boot Campaign offers our sincerest thanks to Lincoln Military Housing, the generous sponsors of the 6th annual Barona Race Day Salute to the Military and to patriot families in San Diego and beyond. Boots on!