Boot Campaign Grants $35,000 to Lone Survivor Foundation!

The Boot Campaign paid a special visit to our friend and longtime program partner, Lone Survivor Foundation (LSF), on February 14, 2014. Founding Boot Girl Leigh Ann Ranslem presented a check for $35,000 to LSF’s Executive Director, Terry Jung. The donated funds were raised through the Boot Campaign’s January pre-release screening of Lone Survivor.
The Lone Survivor pre-release screening, held on January 7, 2014 at Cinemark West Plano, featured a VIP Reception, opening remarks by Marcus Luttrell, Q&A with Marcus after the movie, Boot Campaign apparel booth, and a celebrity Red Carpet with special guests including Marcus Luttrell, Operation Redwing Surviving Spouses: Cindy Axelson and Char Fontan Westfall, Roger Staubach, Jay Novacek, NASCAR driver David Starr, Glenn Beck, Eli Young Band, Joe Nichols, Taya Kyle, Dan Bailey, Kyle Bosworth and Aaron Watson. This event was made possible by our corporate partners: Universal Pictures, Emmett/ Furla Films, our 70 incredible BOOT volunteers, and title sponsors Wild Turkey Bourbon, Fairway Independent Mortgage and Cinemark Theater.
LSF was founded in June 2010, and is devoted to paying honor to our nation’s heroes and offering assistance for the warrior’s transition home, specifically through wellness activities such as individual and couple’s retreats, hunting, and other outdoor recreational activities.
“We at the Lone Survivor Foundation believe like the Boot Campaign that there is not one individual charity that can solve all the issues facing our returning soldiers and their families,” said Terry Jung, LSF Executive Director. “As the longest-term partner program of the Boot Campaign, we are proud to be included in their Assistance Initiatives funding and to join in the holistic outreach to our soldiers and their loved ones. We are thankful for the Boot Campaign’s on-going support of the Lone Survivor Foundation and our focus on restoring, empowering and renewing hope to our wounded service members and their families.”
You can learn more about LSF by visiting