Founder of SOLEDIER SOCKS Highlights Meaning of YOU MATTER

They say rising tides raise all ships. That’s how we feel when our partners join in to help further our mission of restoring the lives of veterans and military families. This month with our focus on YOU MATTER we’ve been honored to have the support of both new and longtime partners, including our friends at SOLEDIER SOCKS.
Since inception, SOLEDIER SOCKS has focused on creating the best quality, made in the USA socks. For every pair of socks sold, they send one to active duty troops and veterans.
They joined our YOU MATTER campaign to elevate this important message and for every pair we sell, they give back a portion of proceeds to our life-improving programs. They are also including YOU MATTER coloring sheets and letters in future shipments of donated socks.
We recently asked SOLEDIER SOCKS founder, Elle Rueger, what the YOU MATTER message meant to her and we were moved and inspired by what she shared:
“The paternal side of my family suffers from serious mental illnesses. Depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. My father was an Army veteran who fought in Operation Desert Storm.
“His predisposition to mental illness compounded with being a combat vet led to a lot of turmoil in his life. He self-medicated with drugs and alcohol, and because of his addictions, didn’t play an active role in my life. I spent the majority of my life angry and hurt that he couldn’t be the father I needed him to be.
“It wasn’t until I started SOLEDIER SOCKS and learned of the struggles our veteran communities face, that I finally understood what my father was going through. Sadly, he passed away 3 months before we launched the company, so I was never able to tell him I understood.
“I obviously can’t change the past – but I can do everything in my power to help shape the future – and spread the YOU MATTER message. Our veterans need to hear they matter, and know we are here for them! They need to hear it from all of us – not just those within the military community.
“Like myself, a lot of people just don’t understand what our veterans are experiencing. The more awareness we can bring, and the more we can work together to shatter the stigma – the more likely our veterans will get the help they need and deserve.”