Classic Chevrolet Golf Tournament Raises $36,200 for Boot Campaign!

Classic Chevrolet Golf Tournament Raises $36,200 for Boot Campaign!
Annual Golf Outing Hosted by Classic Chevrolet Employees to Benefit Seven DFW-area Nonprofits
Grapevine, TX (December 19, 2013) – Classic Chevrolet of Grapevine (Texas) is steadfast in its desire to foster charity and community involvement. A culture best exemplified through its employees and their official, “Classic Employees Charity Fund.” Classic Chevrolet hosted the 2nd Annual Classic Chevrolet Golf Tournament on October 21st at the Timarron Country Club in Southlake, TX. With 36 teams participating in the tournament as well as a host of guests and sponsors enjoying the dinner, auction and raffle that followed. In all, $126,700 was raised which Classic owner Tom Durant and his wife Susan generously matched for a total of $253,400. The Boot Campaign was presented with a check for $36,200 to further its mission of cultivating awareness, promoting patriotism, and providing assistance to military, past and present, and their families.
Seven charities were selected as beneficiaries of funds raised at the employee-hosted golf tournament. Each was presented a donation of $36,200 at a recent employee holiday lunch. The seven benefiting charities included Six Stones Mission Network, GRACE (Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange), RISE (Recovery, Inspiration, Success, Empowerment) The Angel Fund of Trinity High School, Community Storehouse, Boot Campaign, and Food for the Soul.
Read more about the Classic Chevrolet Golf Tournament and see photos from the check presentation here: