Let’s play a little guessing game…

Let’s play a little game…. Can you guess who next week’s Celebrity Supporter of the week is? Hints: He’s was in the famous military movie, Saving Private Ryan. He’s an […]

Happy 4th of July from the Boot Crew!

Happy 4th of July! Today and everyday we show our Patriotism by getting our BOOTS on and saluting all of the men and women who protect our freedoms! The entire Boot […]

BC Armor Designer Profile: Morgana McNelis

BC Armor Designer Profile: Morgana McNelis of Maison de Morgana Growing up in Georgia, the cost of freedom was not lost on Morgana. Her late grandfather served in the U.S. […]

Morgana McNelis debuts BC Armor Collection.

Maison de Morgana’s Morgana McNelis debuts BC Armor Collection. A woman’s style is her personal statement. A woman’s jewelry is an exclamation point, if you will, to that outward statement. Telling […]

Riddle me this…

These two women have something in common. Do you think you know what it is? Find out HERE on Monday.