A Move in the Right Direction

John B. and his wife Amber have been through a lot for a couple not even out of their twenties. At just 21 years old, the USMC cannoneer experienced a massive IED explosion while on patrol in Afghanistan. Since the accident, John has suffered from traumatic brain injury, post traumatic stress disorder and chronic back pain, just to name a few. The family made the decision to move back home to Wisconsin, and the move from Florida proved to be a massive strain on their finances. With John’s pay being withheld while he settles a claim with the VA, the family has found it difficult to get back on their feet in their new home. Thanks to a grant from the Boot Campaign’s Military Recovery Fund, John, Amber and their two little kids were able to keep their lights on and their car in the driveway. We’re thrilled to help them on the road to success in their new hometown.
“The Boot Campaign has been a godsend we are forever grateful . With their help, we will be good again. Thank you and God bless.” – Amber