2024 By the Numbers

In 2024, Boot Campaign celebrated its 15th year as an organization dedicated to restoring the lives of Veterans and military families. That’s more than 180 months since our founders laced up their first pair of boots to encourage every day Americans to show appreciation for those who serve(d), and we are grateful for the 681 patriots who laced up with us in new boots in 2024 to continue those efforts.
The needs of America’s Veterans and military families have evolved since our humble beginnings in 2009 and so have our efforts to meet those needs and share about the challenges our nation’s Veterans face. Our core programs – Health & Wellness and Seasons of Service – provide those who serve(d) with an individualized approach to their care.
Through both programs, we reached 2,410 Veterans and military family members from 48 states nationwide.
Health & Wellness Program
It was our honor to impact the lives of 405 Veterans and their families through our Health & Wellness Program last year. That’s 1,515 individuals directly impacted by the 30,615 hours of individualized care provided.
As U.S. Army Veteran Scott shared, “I’m a better husband, father and employee now because of you guys! Thank you for everything you are doing to help people like me. It took so much for me to reach out and ask for help but it was the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Similarly, U.S. Navy Veteran Lauren told us, “I’m moving towards where I want to be in life. I have been stuck for a very long time, and I often felt like I’d never get out of this funk. It’s been a long time since I felt hopeful and now I do. I don’t even know how to thank Boot Campaign.”
You can see more from Veterans who recently completed our program, like Jacque, Jeff, Jackie, Michael, and Harry.
Seasons of Service Program
Boot Campaign supported a total of 210 families, inclusive of 912 family members who were experiencing a hardship. More than 639 boxes full of needs and wishes – weighing more than 21,500 pounds – were hand-delivered to these deserving families at a time they needed it most.
As one recipient family shared, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing gifts you provided to us. To see the joy, excitement, and pure enjoyment out of my kids was just beautiful. Thank you for the time and thought you put into providing us with the amazing gifts and that much needed emotional moment of connection and joy as a family.”
Similarly, a Veteran father who had just overcome stage 4 cancer shared this with us after receiving their box of needs and wishes in December: “This Christmas is especially meaningful for us, as it marks our first holiday after a long season of sadness. Our family has been through a challenging time, fighting for my life, and now we are beginning to experience peace, love, and joy once again. Your generous gifts only amplify these feelings and make this holiday season even more special.”
To read more feedback, visit this blog or click here to watch a video about the program.
Charging Forever Forward
Even with all the successes and milestones in 2024, our mission continues forever forward as the need for the individualized care we provide rises. Until all of our nation’s servicemen and women are able to receive personalized and precision care, we’ll be here to serve them and provide the support they need when they need it most.
To join us in that mission, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation at bootcampaign.org/donate.