A Veteran friend of mine who served for 22 years lives by the mantra “Steady pressure.” In his words, steady pressure means “to be the immovable object against an unstoppable force.” It is a reminder to live: to live through the pain after a devastating injury and to welcome adversity because in the end you know it will make you stronger. It’s a reminder to keep going, moving forever forward.
And that’s the meaning we lived by at Boot Campaign in 2023 – for our team and for those we serve. Applications for our Health & Wellness Program rose more than 60% in 2023, and we provided individualized, holistic and comprehensive care for more Veterans struggling with brain injury, posttraumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, self medication and insomnia than ever before. We successfully expanded our holiday program by 11% because there is such a need for stress-relieving support during trying times.
2023 was Boot Campaign’s 14th year of existence – 14 years of adapting to the most pressing needs of the military community, putting one foot in front of the other to best serve those who serve(d). Together, we look forward to what’s in store for year 15 as we continue to show all those who laced up their boots to protect and defend our freedoms YOU MATTER. Let’s move together forever forward.
To read more from our 2023 Annual Report, click here.