2022 marked five years of leadership for me at Boot Campaign. 60 months. 1,825 days. When I joined the organization in 2017, we had just launched a new Health & Wellness Program, and our holiday program was relatively new as well. As when any new programmatic efforts are launched or new leadership takes over, there are growing pains.
Obstacles like a worldwide pandemic, the resulting shutdowns, and the societal issues we faced required a pivot and more flexibility than ever before. Adding in the hurried pull out from Afghanistan and the official end to 20 years of the Global War on Terror, the population Boot Campaign serves – veterans and military families – has absorbed its share of challenges.
Despite the hurdles, our team at Boot Campaign has remained steadfast and true to our three guiding principles: transparency, adaptability, and individualization. Year over year there has been an increase in need for our services. With grit, an incredible team, a host of steadfast supporters, and the development of new relationships, Boot Campaign has reached those who serve(d) and provided them what they need most: our gratitude and culturally-competent, qualified, holistic and personalized treatment for silent marks of service that are not seen by the naked eye as well as stress-relieving support during trying times.
Our mission is more important now than ever before. No matter who you are, where you live, what your interests are or even your political party, we can all align ourselves under the fact that we get to live in the UNITED States – the land of the free because of the brave – and that those who’ve laced up in service to our country are most deserving of our appreciation and action so they know their service, their sacrifice, and their lives matter.
To read more from our 2022 Annual Report, click here.