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On Fridays, We Wear R.E.D


If you’ve ever wondered what #REDFriday means or why groups of patriots tend to be in red at the tail end of the workweek, it’s likely because they are joining in to Remember Everyone Deployed. 

There’s not a clear timeline for when the movement started, but the call is to all civilians back home to wear an article of red clothing — a t-shirt, a tie, really anything — to Remember Everyone Deployed. 

It’s a reminder, a symbol, an expression of appreciation that there are thousands of service members deployed around the world, and it’s why we offer R.E.D. t-shirt options in our online store. The simple act of keeping those who serve in our thoughts, minds and hearts as they protect and defend our freedoms is core to our mission at Boot Campaign. 

Our many partners and supporters also agree! We are excited to share that our friends at Wiley X and Nine Line Apparel are helping raise awareness and support for our service members through a new, R.E.D. Friday t-shirt available now through the end of September. 

“Remembering those who protect our great nation and freedoms is paramount,” said Dan Freeman, Wiley X CEO. “We are honored to partner with Boot Campaign and Nine Line Apparel to show our support for our servicemen and women.”

Get yours here before they are gone or check out our online store for our other R.E.D. options that fundraise for our programs.