Movement Mortgage Wraps Up May Loan Challenge in Support of Service Members

The team at Movement Mortgage was laced up and ready to show appreciation for our military in May!
Upon hearing about our Military Appreciation Month efforts, their team jumped on the opportunity to get involved with our fitness and fundraising initiatives, even creating their month-long Loan Challenge! The challenge entailed that if their team committed $50 of every loan closed in May to our efforts, the Movement Mortgage Foundation would match it dollar for dollar.
After working through all the loans from the month, the tally is in and we are excited to share that 98 employees raised more than $20,000, resulting in more than $40,000 donated to Boot Campaign’s mission!
A number of Movement Mortgage team members weighed in on the importance of the month and why giving back to our veteran and military community is so important to them.
“Coming from a long line of military men and women in my family, I love to do anything I can to help our veterans!” – Alex H.
“As an ARMY Veteran, the ARMY gave me so much of who I am today that I feel it is important to give back to fellow Veterans.” – Christopher K.
“I value and appreciate our veterans and Movement Mortgage matches. What a great company we work for!” – Lynn A.
“My husband served and many of my clients serve this great country. I’m honored to give back to this community and to all that serve us daily.” – Nicki T.
“I wouldn’t have the FREEDOM to live the life I live nor would my children if not for the BRAVE men and women who protect our country daily!” – Sean C.
Thank you to the entire team at Movement Mortgage who joined us for our Military Appreciation Month efforts and raised awareness and support for the veterans and military families in need of care across our country.
Want to get your company engaged in a fundraiser for Boot Campaign? Check out this blog for some ideas or reach out via our Contact Us page to help you get started!