Founder Reflects on Boot Campaign’s 15th Year

In 2009, five friends were inspired to show gratitude to our military community and spread the word that they may need some help transitioning back to civilian life after service. What started as a simple idea to “put yourselves in their shoes” has become what Boot Campaign is today – an organization that restores the lives of Veterans and military families through individualized care.
Upon celebrating our 15th anniversary, we thought it would be fun to catch up with one of our founders, Leigh Ann Ranslem, on our growth, favorite memories and her thoughts on the milestone.
Tell us about the start of Boot Campaign.
Boot Campaign began in 2009 with a simple gesture: Put yourselves in the shoes of our military and say thank you. My four other founders and I started photographing recognizable Americans in combat boots, as a sign of solidarity and gratitude.
It caught on and has grown to so much more than just an awareness effort as we directly serve Veterans and military families through two key programs.
Today, through our #LaceUpAMERICA efforts, we still stay true to our roots and encourage civilians across the nation to lace up and start a conversation by wearing combat boots to the office or out and about. My co-founders and I love beautiful shoes, but we are always most comfortable in Boot Campaign boots!
How has your Boot Campaign been apart of your family these last 15 years?
My daughters are 22 and 24 now, but they can’t recall life before Boot Campaign existed, because it has been such a huge part of our family for over 15 years. My husband David has supported my dedication to this effort since day one, and continues to be my strongest ally.
Why is this organization important to you?
It was important to my fellow founders and I to recognize the sacrifices the select few of our fellow Americans make to fight for and protect our freedoms and we think those Veterans deserve our thanks and our help when needed.
Boot Campaign’s approach from our founding has been and will always be individualized and tailored to those we support and serve with complete financial transparency so donors and supporters know we take the utmost care with the resources we are provided.
What three words would you use to describe Boot Campaign?
Integrity, Compassion, Gratitude
We know you have some good stories from the early days. What’s a special, or funny memory you have?
Oh, so many! The most special times have come from building Boot Campaign with my co-founders Mariae Bui, Sherri Reuland, Heather Sholl and Ginger Woodson. One of our most challenging events was in Los Angeles where we were expecting hundreds of people for a motorcycle ride with the Sons of Anarchy cast, followed by even more attending the after-party rally. On the day before the event, we realized that we had not ordered the port-a-potties! Time to call in some favors to say the least.