Eleven Lessons We’ve Learned from Veterans

Monday, November 11th we celebrated Veterans Day. Several times this week, I’ve seen a sign circulating online that reads, “If you want to thank a veteran, be the kind of American worth fighting for.” It struck me.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the rhetoric of how divided we are as a country; how far apart one political party is from another; the latest scandal or our own selves. But there’s one thing that Veterans Day can do and has done for all of us. Veterans Day unites us. That day it’s not about the red party or the blue party. It’s about those who wore the red, white and blue into battle all around the world; those who’ve served stateside and those who are still deployed around the world. We are the home of the free because of the brave and there’s nothing more American than celebrating those who made it so.
Here are eleven lessons our team at Boot Campaign has learned from those who have served us all.
- Pain is temporary; you can get through anything that seems hard — physically, mentally, emotionally. If you’re doing the right thing, keep going. Perseverance is the greatest virtue you can hold.
- Be persistent. Never take no for an answer but accept not yet.
- Take care of your feet (You can do just that by purchasing with some stellar socks and boots that give back in our store shop.bootcampaign.org)
- Be patient and let it all play out.
- Family doesn’t have to be blood related;
- A smile and a handshake never cost you anything.
- You may not agree with your bunk mate but your life depends on you caring more about them than their opinions.
- “An opinion can be argued with; conviction is best shot.”
- Honor those before you.
- Value our freedom
- Above all, put service before yourself.
As John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” At Boot Campaign, we strive to not only say thank you to those who serve, but to also live laced up with these lessons in mind. Join us and make every day Veterans Day. Lace up, America.