Boot Campaign: An Intern’s Perspective
This has been a VERY fun summer here at the Boot Campaign HQ. We worked hard, we moved into our new building, we’ve made new friends, and we had one AWESOME summer intern! When I first met Heather, she was so quiet, reserved — and I hoped that we would be able to break her out of her shell! Poor Heather probably thought we were the craziest people on the planet around here. We are one BIG HAPPY family and we have no qualms saying exactly how we feel. We love each other most days and some days we hate each other. We talk about dating, home life, friends, farts and more. I hoped that by the end of summer she wouldn’t think we were all nuts but instead…she’d be joining in on the conversation….. Well she did! And guess what — we taught her a few things along the way and opened her eyes a little more to what the BIG picture is at the Boot Campaign 🙂 We asked her to write a blog for #IAmBootCampaign about a few things she learned this summer interning with us and this is what she sent me. – Boot Girl Brandi
“Being a 21 year old, from a small farm town in Kansas, I had never really been exposed to the negative effects that the war had on our veterans. Our daily conversations usually didn’t stray too far from topics concerning school, harvest, or what we had for supper last night. So, joining the Boot Campaign (BC) team really opened my eyes to the risks people are willing to take in order to serve our country, and how I can repay them for their service.
Before I began working with BC I had no idea 1.4 million Americans were actively serving our country, nearly 50,000 troops have been injured since 2001, about 16,000 of those injuries were catastrophic, almost 8,000 troops have been killed in action, and these casualties and losses also affected over 230,000 of these people’s direct family members.
After listening to these facts it became a goal of mine to help provide support for all of these people. Hearing the number of people affected is hard, but providing them with help isn’t. BC taught me that it is as simple as donating money, buying a pair of boots, or just letting them know we appreciate them and that they have our support. It doesn’t matter how old you are or if you live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. Supporting our veterans is as easy as lacing up your steel toed BC boots before you go out to herd in the cattle.
Our veterans need our support, and every day that I lace up my boots, I give it to them. I am a 21 year old girl from Kansas, I support our troops, and I am Boot Campaign.” – Heather, Boot Campaign Summer Intern
I hope she had a great summer hanging out with us! I think I can speak for everyone here at the BC HQ — Heather, you better come back and visit us often cause it just won’t be the same around here without you and we are going miss you! Keep wearing those BOOTS 🙂 – Boot Girl Brandi