Army Veteran, Tim and His Wife, Tammy Share the Positive Impact of His Health and Wellness Journey on The Whole Family

The challenges and difficulties of the men and women that serve are often viewed as individual struggles. Family members are not always given the opportunity to follow along with a veteran during their care, treatment or journey. After participating in our Health & Wellness program, Tim and Tammy offered to share firsthand what the program meant to them as a family and where they are today.
Lindsey: Tim, how were you first connected to Boot Campaign?
Tim: I saw something on social media about Boot Campaign, did a little research and realized a friend of mine was one of their ambassadors. Jason Borne, nope not that Jason Bourne, but a retired Marine and former law enforcement colleague who gave me the sign of approval that this organization was the real deal.
Lindsey: What drew you to the Boot Campaign mission?
Tim: I spent years telling myself I was “ok” and that my deployments did not affect me. I finally realized my lack of effort to improve myself was creating hardships for those closest to me. My marriage, my relationships with my family and even my attitude at work were all in need of attention. I had not yet hit rock bottom, but it was fast approaching and I was interested in what Boot Campaign referred to as “life-improving” programs.
I was aware of other programs advertising themselves as “veteran support organizations,” but if I was going to take a leap of faith, I wanted to focus on healing, getting better and being able to sustain any gains I made. It wasn’t until I really began the program and put the hard work in, that I realized I could be better. From Jason’s initial recommendation and now my own experience, Boot Campaign’s life-improving programs are the real deal, but it is my responsibility to continue to use the tools I have been given and taught along the way.
Lindsey: Tim, I know you are still participating in the Health & Wellness program, but tell me a little bit about your experience so far.
Tim: This is challenging because every day I’m continuing to learn something new. I was surrounded by the most caring and supportive experts in the industry. I received one of the most comprehensive physicals I have ever experienced and after those physicals I met daily with the doctor and we thoroughly reviewed my results helping paint a complete picture of what was going on. Everything was customized for ME – physical training, speech therapy, counseling sessions – treating the entire body. I began to realize how all the parts were connected and dependent on one another.
Lindsey: Tammy, I know the time Tim was away from home was challenging, but what has this treatment meant to you?
Tammy: This has been a long, hard road traveled over many deployments and years.
This is an amazing program to help veterans heal from wounds the rest of us can not see. With the help of this program, veterans learn that it is ok to “not be ok” and ask for the help they deserve and I believe they have earned. It has not been an easy road for my husband or our family, but with the help of the Boot Campaign program and its very individualized and specific healing process, we are steadily marching forward – one boot clad foot at a time!
Lindsey: Tammy, what have you seen since Tim has returned from participating in the program?
Tammy: I completely understand the healing process and the time involved to achieve improvement, as well as a changing someone’s baseline. He is all in and sings a multitude of praises of all that he’s been through and learned to date. So much so, that he wants to give back in whatever format is allowed. That alone tells me the program is highly effective!
Lindsey: Tim, what’s next?
Tim: I will continue to use the skills I have learned to grow and heal, but ultimately I want more veterans to heal as well. Veterans want to heal, succeed and are willing to put the work in, but they need the right program and the opportunity to raise their hand and ask for it. Treatment will result in better relationships with their families, friends, co-workers and the community as a whole. I’m here to share my story to encourage veterans to reach out and donors to help put more veterans through the program.
To learn more about our Health & Wellness program, please visit Together, we can be the difference.