31 For 31 For 31 Participants Share Their “Why”

We’ve been inspired this May with the participation in our 31 For 31 For 31 challenge. So many of you have shown your appreciation for past and present military members and their families by getting active to raise money and awareness for our mission, and we thank you!
While Mike Rouse is running 31 miles every day in May, the challenge encourages anyone to run, walk, bike or swim 31 miles (or 3.1 miles) individually or as a community. Of the 13 teams and 97 individual participants, we wanted to share a look at what inspired some of the participants to get involved:
My fiancé is a veteran and seeing him suffer with PTSD has pushed me to help in any way I can! – Allison D.
I see firsthand how there’s a lack of support for our vets and want to be a part of the solution. – Mallory H.
We don’t know them all, but we owe them all from all branches past, present, living to dead. – Jen I.
Let’s take care of those who take care of us. – Mike F.
I am a US Army Veteran who believes in supporting other Veterans that served before, after and with me. – Randy B.
As mother to an enlisted soldier and sister of a retired veteran, I want to help support our heroes and their families with PTSD treatment. – Lisbeth R.
I spent 22 years in the Navy and am happy to support from the other side. I also have a friend with a TBI who hasn’t been the same since. – Seneca J.
I am participating to not only challenge myself but to bring awareness and raise funds for a cause that is close to my heart. – Kayla C.
Our Vets are our heroes. Plain and simple. Anything we can do to bring awareness to their needs I am all in! – Travis B.
I greatly appreciate our active duty military veterans and all of our armed forces. I also love swimming, biking and running. Going for 310! – Kevin S.