Q&A with 2022 Board Chair Josh Mayfield

Welcome Josh Mayfield as Boot Campaign’s new Chairman of the Board of Directors! Mayfield laced up as a Board Member in 2020 and has been a passionate advocate for our mission and programs ever since.
As Executive Vice President of the Financial Institutions Group at Texas Capital Bank, we look forward to the strengths he will bring to steer and steward Boot Campaign during his term. Read below to learn more about Josh and why our mission and messages are important to him.
Why did you choose to #LaceUp with Boot Campaign?
Not having served when I was younger began to weigh on me later in life in a way that I just could not shake. I began to look around Dallas for opportunities to engage, in a meaningful way, in the veteran non-profit sector. I was fortunate to be able to spend time with others in the space who knew of the great work Boot Campaign was doing and they introduced me to Shelly. The Boot Campaign mission resonated with me in a way that others did not. It is their mix of specialized care and the call to honor those who have served that really drew me in.
What is it about Boot Campaign’s mission that is important to you?
The tailored approach addressing the invisible wounds of war is most important. Boot Campaign realizes that one size does not fit all, or even most. They realize that there are many proven treatment options available to our veterans and they are expert in connecting those in need with the very best option available
What does patriotism mean to you?
The standard definition, love and devotion to country, falls short in my opinion. Patriotism means answering a call to service, which does not have to be military service. It means getting behind the great American idea that all people are created equal and that there is an American exceptionalism that we should all be proud of. Nothing quite publicly exemplifies that exceptionalism like our veteran community.
Why is the message of #YOUMATTER important to you?
I have a dear friend, former SEAL, who after having served his country in the most hostile of environments, in pursuit of America’s most dangerous enemies, came back to the U.S. as a broken person. His invisible wounds were all too visible for him and I, despite my best efforts to “cheer him up”, he continued to battle with depression and suicidal thoughts. Even though I could not relate to much of his experience, I did my best to constantly remind him that he mattered and that there was hope. He has received great treatment and is doing so much better. I could not imagine a world in which he somehow forgot how much he mattered.
Who else would you like to see in Boot Campaign boots?
We need more corporate leaders in Boot Campaign boots. Specifically, more finance and investment professionals. If for no other reason because Boot Campaign boots look great with a suit! I am fortunate to work for a large bank and for a CEO that cares deeply about veteran causes. As soon as I figure out his shoe size, he is getting a pair!
To learn more about all of Boot Campaign’s Board of Directors, click here.